Welcome yo Ylämaa Gem Museum!


Ylamaa Gem Museum is a real treasure house of gems and rock. The diversity of shapes, colours and structures of gemstone crystals and rock hidden in the bedrock provide an amazing wiew and introduction to the visitor.

Do not hesitate to step into the Ylämaa Gem Museum! You will be introduced to the wonderful world of minerals; among other crystals you will see a replica collection of the world’s most famous diamonds, desert roses, ocean jaspers, a quarter-ton rose quartz from Madagascar, various mineral ores and more than 5000 other exciting specimens. Prehistoric fossils, corals and meteorites are also fascinating.

You will learn a lot about the most beautiful labradorite of the world, spectrolite, found only in Ylämaa, some kilometers from Gem Museum. At the museum you will also be presented fluorescent minerals radiating in magnificent bright colours, an experience to remember.

Unusual and fantastic minerals !

Guiding languages: Finnish, Swedish, English

Open: 1.6.-31.8. Mon-Sun 12-15
Other times for groups by advance booking

Entrance fees:

-adults 5 €, children 2 €, under 12- year olds free with parents
-special offers for groups (minimum 8 people)

Information and bookings:

tel. +358 400 391590, Whatsapp +358 400 391590, Esko Hamalainen
tel. +358 400 391590